KNX Panel Setup

Tense Infinity
Tense Infinity 4 & 8

The Tense Infinity panel includes dedicated support for multi-media functions. This includes support for turning a room on/off, turning the volume in a room up/down, selecting a source for the room (up to four sources supported), pause, play, enable/disable repeat and shuffle, select next or previous song, and select the next or previous playlist.

In addition, the Infinity panel Main Page includes 2 lines of text that can be linked to CasaTunes metadata (such as the song title and artist), and of course you can also configure any of the buttons on the main page to execute a CasaTunes command, or sequence of commands using the CasaTunes Scene commands

Panel Configuration

To enable the multi-media functions:

  1. Open ETS5 and select the Infinity device
  2. Expand the Menu option
  3. Select the Content menu item and set Enable Multimedia Submenu to YES
  4. Select the Multimedia menu item, configure the number of sources and set Enable Source List to YES
  5. Select the Texts menu item and rename Preset to Playlists
  6. Select the Volume menu item, and rename Text Volume On/Off to Room On/Off, for Type Volume Object select 1 Bit Set, set Feedback Type to Absolute
  7. For each Source configure the Source Number (to match CasaTunes configuration. First source is 0). Enable Pause, Loop, Shuffle, Next/previous song, preset browsing buttons, and disable the remaining buttons

In addition, you may want to Enable Info Lines on the Main Page and link these to the CasaTunes metadata.

The following screen shots illustrate how to configure the Source, Volume and Texts Settings:

Source Settings
Volume Settings
Texts Settings
Group Address Configuration

After you have configured the general settings for your Infinity panel, you are now ready to associate the Group Addresses that were imported from CasaTunes with the Group Objects for the panel.

Please refer to the "KNX Setup" Tech Note for more information on how to configure the KNX Driver for CasaTunes, how to export the CasaTunes Group Addresses from CasaSetup, and how to import them in ETS 5.

Now using the ETS 5 tool, associate the following CasaTunes Group Addresses for the zone to be controlled by this panel with the Infinity Group Objects as shown in the image below. If you are using more than one Source, you will need to repeat configuring each Source.

  1. Use the CasaTunes Power command to turn the room on/off instead of muting the room (for Volume Switch)
  2. Use the CasaTunes Power command to play/pause music instead of the play/pause commands which affect all rooms that share the same source (for SourceX Play and SourceX Pause)
  3. Use CasaTunes Playlists instead of Presets