The next release of CasaTunes introduces Featured Items providing quick access to the music you listen to most. Not only can you add all your favorite albums, artists, playlists and radio stations as featured items, but you can also add shortcuts and searches.
The next version of CasaTunes is planned for June.
CasaTunes displays up to 20 featured items in the Browse Music Home screen.
Featured items in the Home Screen are prioritized based on usage, including when a featured item was last browsed, selected or added.
Each featured item includes an image, title, music service name, and kind of item (station, album, artist, playlist, shortcut or search).
You can add or remove a featured item when browsing your music by toggling the “star” icon. Featured items are tagged with a filled in star icon, otherwise they are tagged with an outlined star.
From the Browse Music Home Screen you can select All Featured Items if you have more than 20 items, you want to manage your featured items, or you want to view your featured items organized by the kind of item, such as stations, albums, artists, playlists, shortcuts or searches.
Many music services categorize their music by genres, moods, new releases, etc.
Often you want to play different music from these categories.
For example, if you like listening to different Spotify Chill playlists. Instead of having to browse Spotify, then Moods and Genres, and then Chill, you can now simply add Chill as a Spotify Shortcut allowing you to quickly browse the different Chill playlists.
If you find yourself performing repetitive searches, then featured searches are for you.
For example, if you like to listen to different SomaFM stations on TuneIn, then you can search for SomaFM stations in TuneIn and select the search results as a featured item.
Now when you want to listen to a SomaFM station you can select the TuneIn Search featured item and it will re-run the search for you and allow you to select the SomaFM station you want to listen to.