You can create your own custom schedule, so that your custom call to prayers schedule is available for selection BY LOCATION in the Call To Prayers Settings section in the iOS App, similar to the way you can select the call to prayers schedule for Dubai and Nairobi today.
A custom schedule file is a regular XML file that adheres to a special naming convention. The filename is used to specify the city, country and year, and is formatted as follows:
The year is always specified as a 4 digit year (YYYY), for example, 2020.
The <city> and <country> usually specify the name of the city and country, but can be anything you like. These are displayed in the UI as “Country, City”.
For example, the current version of CasaTunes includes the following custom schedule files for Dubai and Kenya:
And are displayed on an iOS device as follows:
The format of the xml file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DailySchedule Year="2019" Month="1" Day="1">
<DailySchedule Year="2019" Month="1" Day="2">
<DailySchedule Year="2019" Month="12" Day="30">
<DailySchedule Year="2019" Month="12" Day="31">
There is a DailySchedule XML Element for each day of the year. The file must include an entry for each day of the year. The times must be in 24 hour format.
Once you have created your XML schedule files, you must add them to CasaTunes. To add them, simply copy the files to the following folder: