Although the QuickSync tool automatically discovers all your iTunes music, artwork and playlist, there are certain instances where CasaTunes is unable to find the artwork for an album. To fix this, you can run an AppleScript script to extract the album cover art from iTunes and copy it to a file in the album folder (typically named folder.jpg). CasaTunes will then discover the newly extracted album artwork on the next sync.
Note: This solution is only applicable to iTunes libraries running on a Mac
- Step 1 - On your Mac, click the following link https://dougscripts.com/itunes/scripts/ss.php?sp=savealbumartjpeg
- Step 2 - Select Download. If you are going to be periodically extracting artwork, then you will probably want to purchase the script, otherwise, you can use it for free for 10 days.
- Step 3 - Follow the instructions and copy the script to a Scripts folder (you create) in your iTunes folder
- Step 4 - Run the script and a popup window is displayed, similar to:
- Step 5 - In your Mac browser, launch the CasaTunes App: http://casaserver.local/casatunes
- Step 6 - Navigate to Select Music > Name of your QuickSync music collection > Albums
- Step 7 - Start iTunes on your Mac and view your music by Albums
- Step 8 - For each album cover that is missing in CasaTunes, locate the album in iTunes, and expand it to display it's tracks
- Step 9 - The Source in the popup window will now display xx selected tracks
- Step 10 - Press OK in the popup window (to extract the artwork from iTunes and copy it to a file called folder.jpg in the album folder)
- Step 11 - Repeat for each missing album cover
- Step 12 - In the CasaTunes browser App, return to your music collection, and press on the Sync (or Refresh button). See image above
- Step 13 - Close the popup window and iTunes
- Step 14 - It can take several minutes for CasaTunes to complete the sync operation